About Us

About Mallu Anglers

We Born For Fishing

It all started in November 2018, when three keen sports anglers came together with their vision of forming an organization that promotes fishing in the form of sports. Mallu Anglers started its first ever Fishing Sports Competition in Abu Dhabi and now organizes fishing competitions in different parts of UAE. Fishing has been a source of income and way of living for people in yesteryears but today this art or way of living is on the verge of becoming extinct. Mallu Anglers has stepped in to keep this tradition alive and provide interested people a platform to taste the joy of fishing. We are a passionate non-profit organization that promotes the sports of fishing through competitions organized across various parts of Gulf countries. Anglers should pursue game fishing with qualities such as sportsmanship, conservation practices, local support and ultimately promote the “world class” sport fishing of Mallu Anglers in UAE and Kerala.

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Company History

Mallu Anglers came into existence in 2018 with the purpose of promoting the sports of fishing. We are a bunch of fishing game enthusiasts who run this non-profit organization to promote the sports of fishing.

Reasons for choosing us:-

  • We inculcate the modern techniques and sustainable methods in fishing.
  • Mallu Anglers offers many exciting gifts hampers to winners in angling competition.
  • Best experience for people who are looking for an exciting outdoor sport.
  • Our expertise in the sports of angling comes in handy for amateurs.
  • We also have the best of the equipments to make the sport of fishing an amazing experience.

Being only one of a kind non-profit organization that promotes fishing sports is what makes us stand apart. Mallu Anglers is a group of fishing enthusiasts in UAE which organizes various fishing sports events to promote this activity as a sports as well as a recreational activity. We encourage the enthusiasts to practice the sports of fishing in a manner consistent with sound sportsman like etiquette, conservation practices and local support of their community.

Nowadays many people come forward to explore their interests in fishing. There are many traditional methods and techniques in Fishing. But in the recent past, fishing has grown as a sport and a recreational event.

  • To promote shore and offshore gamefish angling by holding regularly scheduled tournaments and maintaining records to recognise anglers and skippers.
  • To promote fair angling regulations and compile and maintain group record data for fish caught according to these regulations.
  • To keep its members informed through various activities such as educational programs, newsletters, annual handbooks and subscriptions to sport fishing magazines.
  • To support a gamefish tagging program to aid scientific and educational institutions.
  • To promote safety among it’s members and to provide social activities for the sharing of ideas and experiences.

Senior Anglers

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team member
Abdul Kadar
Senior Angler
team member
Senior Angler
team member
Senior Angler
team member
King Master
team member
Instagram Influencer
team member
Aneesh Sreenivasan
Senior Angler
team member
Brand Promoter
team member
Reejin Robert
Senior Angler
team member
Sajir VK
Senior Angler
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Fishing Reel

$75.99 $59.99

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